Tuesday 19 November 2013


Hello bloggie chums ,

I have once again neglected you all and for that I apologise , so with that in mind I have given myself a good talking too and have promised that I will post every day for a week to try and make amends .

So onto the first one ,
with winter just around the corner( so we are told) , I decided that a warmer kind of crafting fest should get underway , so off I went to find my trusty old crochet hook.

 After a few moments dithering with colours and yarn types and what I actually wanted to make , I sat down in the Grannie armchair to begin work.

Of course what starts out as just a little something to keep my hands busy didn't quite end up that way.I crocheted and crocheted  mixing this yarn and that ,making the pattern up as I went along as I often do , and trying out a couple of new crocheted flowers that I found patterns for on the internet.

A few hours hours later a couple of very comfy new cushions were done.

I do love it when you have a nice piece of work at the end of it .

Happy Makings


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